Sorry to leave you guys on a cliff hanger, but I’m pretty sure anyone familiar with the source material can probably figure out how this fight will go.

Due to an increase in work hours and travel, Dragon Ball Zoku will be going on hiatus from now until January 5th, 2021.  I’ve burned through my buffer (again) and have at least another month of working out of state before I return home for more than a day at a time.  With holidays at my doorstep as soon as I’m back, I’m choosing to preserve my mental sanity by not trying to force myself to produce pages while having little or no access to the tools I need.

However! This does not mean I won’t be producing art.  As much as I’ve learned while making this comic, I can’t deny that I’ve been neglecting my art studies.  Reading other webcomics (like Countdown to Countdown by Velinxi or Siren’s Lament by InstantMiso) I can see where I’m still coming up short on fundamentals, and I still want to improve.

Thankfully, sketchbooks and a camera phone are easy to travel with, so if anyone is interested in seeing my exercises in anatomy, perspective, etc. I will be posting these on DeviantArt, where they can hide behind an 18+ filter as needed, with “safer” pieces posted across my other social media accounts.

I apologize for the delay and thank you in advance for your patience.  I’ll see you next year!